By purchasing any reservation, booking, or ticket at The Palm Springs Surf Club, all individuals automatically agree to our Code of Conduct. This includes the following expectations:
- Treat all guests, staff, and property with respect and courtesy.
- Refrain from any behavior that may be considered disrespectful or offensive.
- Ensure that clothing worn outside of water attractions complies with public decency standards.
- Respect others in queues and follow designated lines.
- No cutting or saving places in lines.
- Respond promptly to any security or safety signals or announcements.
- Refrain from entering non-designated areas.
- Walk, do not run, in designated walking areas to prevent slips and falls.
- Avoid rough play, including pushing, shoving, or engaging in any behavior that may cause harm to others.
- Use appropriate language and refrain from any behavior that may be considered offensive or disruptive.
- Use designated bins for the disposal of trash and litter.
- Smoking or vaping is strictly prohibited within the waterpark premises.
- Consumption of outside alcohol or any illegal substances is strictly prohibited within the property.
Consumption of any mind altering substance is strictly prohibited if participating in onsite water activities.